John Baptist Henry

The Book, The Blood and The Blessed Hope!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Prophecy In The News - 1st Quarter 2012

2012 Introduction
9 min.

What follows are Prophecy is the News daily updates gathered into weekly videos. Each video is less than an hour long. They cover a variety of Bible prophecy topics: The Rapture, Israel & the Mid-East, Demonic Activity, Transgenics, Earthquakes, Famines, etc. Scroll to the bottom for the newest updates.

January 2nd to 6th
50 min.

January 9th to 13th
46 min.

January 16th to 20th
50 min.

January 23rd to 27th
49 min.

January 30th to February 2nd
38 min.

February 7th to 10th
42 min.

February 13th to 17th
49 min.

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