John Baptist Henry

The Book, The Blood and The Blessed Hope!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baptist Brethren

We should remember that we have naught to gain, but everything to lose by comprising the principles which we hold. Should fidelity to God’s Word lead us to separation from those we love as well as our own lives, we should still be firm; remembering that true love to Jesus, as well as to our friends, should lead us to stand firmly by the truth. Baptists have accomplished a noble work for the world. We do not believe that their mission is ended. Our fathers suffered imprisonment, stripes, banishment, death, that they might bequeath to us the rich legacy which we enjoy. Shall we barter that legacy for poplar applause? The early Christians were the “sect everywhere spoken against.” Our Master bore suffering and shame for us. If our principles bring reproach upon us, let us bear that reproach. Let us be careful to avoid bitterness and unholy strife. Let our lives abound in patience, forbearance, gentleness, goodness, and truth, while we commit ourselves, not to men, but to God, who judgeth righteously.

From the book entitled, BAPTIST DOCTRINES, 1892
Source: The Baptist Pillar, Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2002

Web Site: The Baptist Pillar

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