John Baptist Henry

The Book, The Blood and The Blessed Hope!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The Complete Creation Video Series
An exhaustive look at the Creation/Evolution debate (22 Parts)
By Ian Juby

This is an exhaustive look at Creation and Evolution with Ian Juby called, The Complete Creation Video Series (Second Edition). There are 22 videos totaling about 10 and a half hours in this playlist.

Part 1: The first video in this series begins with an introduction to Creation and Evolution and why it matters, and introduces the history of the old earth and evolutionary theory.

Part 2: In the second video of this series, Ian finishes up the history of the Creation/Evolution controversy, and begins discussing the overwhelming evidence for the global flood of Noah.

Part 3: In this episode, Ian continues expounding on the profound evidence for a global flood.

Part 4: In this episode, Ian cleans up the evidence for the global flood and introduces the evidence that declares "The present cannot be the key to the past."

Part 5: In this episode, Ian continues the examination of the evidence that demonstrates the present can not be the key to the past. In the second segment, he continues on this evidence. The Complete Creation series is intended to be an exhaustive look at the Creation/Evolution debate.

Part 6: In this episode, Ian continues to show why the present cannot be the key to the past, and how the bible can be the key to the past.

Part 7: In this episode, Ian delves into the theology of the debate, and introduces carbon 14 dating methods.

Part 8: In this episode, Ian finishes the segment on the different dating methods used on rocks and biomatter, and then introduces the compelling evidence that dinosaurs and humans lived together.

Part 9: In this episode, Ian introduces the evidence that man was very intelligent in the past and coexisted with dinosaurs.

Part 10: In this episode, Ian finishes the evidence that man and dinosaurs lived together, and dinosaurs can be found historically in recent times. He then explains the powerful evidence that nothing has changed over time - life has reproduced faithfully after its kind, just like the bible said.

Part 11: In this episode, Ian discusses some of the oddities of the fossil record, such as giantism. In the second session, he ventures into biology, Evolution's worst enemy.

Part 12: In this episode, Ian continues discussion on how time is actually the enemy of the plot and biology is evolution's worst enemy.

Part 13: In this episode, Ian continues to expound on evolution's worst enemy: Biology and time. He then begins laying out the ground work for the pre-flood model.

Part 14: In this part, Ian explains the pre-flood model based on Genesis chapter 1. In the second half, he introduces the hydroplate model (a model to explain the global flood of Noah) and how it destroyed this pristine pre-flood world.

Part 15: In this episode, Ian finishes describing the hydroplate model and ties it into the pre-flood world. He then ventures in to the supposed evidence for evolution in the form of Darwin's finches and the "intermediate" fossils.

Part 16: In this episode, Ian examines several "intermediate" fossils, revealing the subjectivity (and sometimes outright fraud) in interpreting the fossils.

Part 17: In this segment, Ian finishes the study on the story of Genesis embedded in the Chinese language. He then ventures into Astronomy and its relevance to creation.

Part 18: In this segment, Ian discusses "the first cause" of everything, and then opens the floor to Q&A.

Part 19: In this pare of "The Complete Creation" video series Ian Juby makes a few correction to his presentation.

Part 20: In this episode, Ian discusses the Columbia river flood basalts, polystrate trees, and skeptical claims on Noah's ark.

Part 21: In this episode, Ian continues answering the detractors. Responding to criticisms regarding Mt. Ararat, and delving into case studies in radiodating that are reveal just how subjective the "absolute" dating methods and their supposed millions of years are.

Part 22: In this last part of the series, Ian provides further resources for the series, and then finishes answering the skeptical arguments, dealing in detail with the "hominoids" - the supposed half-ape/half-human fossils.

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